Editor’s note: This story is part of the annual Mosaic Journalism Workshop for Bay Area high school students, a two-week intensive course at journalism. Students in this year’s virtual program report and photograph real stories under the guidance of professional journalists.

In April, Kyle Newsom was furloughed by the family-owned cable installation company he worked for in Fresno without notice.

He became just one of many people across the country looking for a new way to support themselves or break into the job market because of the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

Unlike being laid off, a furlough means an employee is unpaid but still employed by a company. A furlough can range from a few hours a week of mandatory time off to months at a time. While on furlough, employees can collect unemployment benefits, though they are expected to return to work at the end of the furlough period.

Newsom says that though there may be minor benefits to being furloughed rather than laid off, it is little comfort. “It’s pretty much another word for the same thing. I’m still getting unemployment. I’m still looking for a job. I still don’t know if I’ll be hired back after all of this,” said Newsom, who is trying to save money for his wedding in February while also keeping up with bills and rent.

He also has no guarantee that Ventura TV Video and Appliance will be financially stable enough to bring him back once the pandemic ends, or that it will be safe by the time they do reopen, as health is a major concern of Newsom’s.

“I think it’s too soon to open businesses. If companies want workers back on payroll, they need a plan for safety,” he said.

Newsom has begun looking for new jobs as a general technician, performing maintenance for home appliances or machinery, wherever he can. “A job is a job,” he said. “It’s been different and challenging, but I’m doing what I can to stay busy.”

Furloughs aren’t the only challenge in today’s job market.

Aryan, a student from the greater Seattle area who uses they/them pronouns, is entering their freshman year of college through an early entrance program after their sophomore year of high school. They have not been on furlough, but they are similarly struggling to find a job while under lockdown. Looking for an internship in the field of computer science, they find their plans for career advancement are hindered by a difficult job market.

They were writing an application for an internship with Bungie, a Washington-based game developer, but it was taken down before the deadline the company had publicly shared. Many other listings were also pulled in this manner since the pandemic began.

“Trying to find an internship right now could be my last chance to do so for a while,” Aryan said. “Some of my career pathways benefit way more from professional experience than education, so getting this experience in high school is a deciding factor in whether a school of choice will accept me.”

Jessica Reimann recently graduated from Silver Creek High School and will attend San Jose State University as a marine biology major.