JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Starting Monday morning business owners whose operations were impacted by the coronavirus closures can apply for a grant to help them get back on their feet. It’s funded by the federal government’s stimulus CARES Act. $9-million dollars is available for the grant program.

Eligible businesses can receive a maximum of $2,000, but awarded amounts are distributed on the dollar per capita for business operation. The money also is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

Applications must be completed online. Some of the requirements for eligibility include:

Businesses must be based in Duval County and have been in business for at least one year before Feb. 29, 2020. A business cannot have had more than 100 people employed, and business owners must be able to prove a loss of at least 25% in total revenue from the COVID-19 crisis in order to be eligible for grant money.

The window to start applying opens begins at 9:00 this morning. To apply for the program, you will need to have an active account on the site. If you already have an account, validate that you can log in.

If you need an account, create one, here.