JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The working group of Gov. Ron Desantis’ Re-Open Florida Task Force charged with recommending how to restart businesses shuttered by his stay-at-home order began its work Tuesday. It is charged with considering every type of commerce -- from recreation to retail to tourism -- examining when and how each should reopen.

Since DeSantis said that since tourism drives Florida’s economy, Tuesday’s two-hour conference call began on that topic. President and CEO of Visit Florida, Dana Young, who told the group that COVID-19′s impact to the state has been devastating, but leaders have a high-level plan for recovery.

Young said Floridians are in Phase 1 of the state’s plan -- which has different phases than those outlined by the federal government -- which is waiting on word to reopen.

Phase 2 kicks in when the stay-at-home order is lifted and a huge marketing push begins targeting Floridians, encouraging them to take in-state vacations.

In Phase 3, Florida will focus on attracting international and domestic travel, including both business and leisure travel.

Young said it’s critical that Floridians participate in helping to relaunch Florida’s tourism industry.

“Our marketing will aim to invoke a sense of “Florida Pride,” reminding Floridians they are blessed to live in one of the top vacation areas of the world," Young said. “We think Floridians will respond positively, especially since there is an existing drive to support Florid businesses. This will tap into this concept of state patriotism that Floridians already have in abundance.”

Another significant part of Tuesday’s conversation was about how Florida reopens its restaurants. Restaurant owners want clear direction on a schedule for re-opening, at what capacity in both dining rooms and outdoor dining rooms, how social distancing will be enforced, should employees wear masks and gloves, how should restaurants be sanitized and even if restaurants should use paper, disposable menus.

They also discussed moving commonly touched items such as jukeboxes and hostess stands from restaurants.

Representatives from the hotel industry discussed a similar list of issues to be addressed to give the hospitality industry guidelines moving forward.

News4Jax is reviewing more topics addressed during the two-hour meeting. This article will be updated throughout the afternoon with more details.

As outlined Monday, the working group will meet each morning this week and an executive committee each afternoon. The task force is charged with coming up with recommendations by Friday afternoon.